Digital Signage System Redesign


  • Art Direction
  • Digital Signage
  • Photo & Video
  • Motion Graphics


CSX is a leading Fortune 500 ranked freight railroad headquartered in Jacksonville, FL, and operating along the U.S. East Coast and parts of Canada. The client was in need of a new design system for their digital signage that is used to communicate with their over 20,000 employees, from the corporate headquarters building to rail yards across the coast.


  • Format Agency
Signage Overview

The signage solution for this project needed to be suitable for users who would have at most 10 seconds to consume the messages. It also needed to fit in at corporate headquarter settings, as well as outdoors at rail yards along the coast.

Our team took the approach of creating a unique visual identity for each type of message, allowing users to quickly comprehend the information type and get to the content. The message types included:

Employee Gateway Articles

The CSX Employee Gateway provides employees with company messages such as company updates, available employee resources, and safety information. They categorize each story based on the content, such as People, Safety, Asset Utilization, Technology, and more.

We utilized these categories to create a cohesive look for each type of story. Each story, however, calls employees to follow up for more on the Gateway, so the Call To Action remains roughly the same on each version.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Recognitions

Each month, CSX has content relating to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, such as Black History Month and Pride Month.

Company–wide events

A particular layout was created for event messages, so the title, location, and time details were always recognized to be in the same place.

General announcements

Includes special updates outside of the majority message type, and specialty content.